A mindful approach to child-centered co-parenting before, during & beyond divorce.

After trying to save the marriage, divorce becomes your only option. Except, you’re worried about the impact it may have on your children.
The last thing you want is your child caught up in the middle or for it to cause relationship issues as they grow. And you definitely don’t want your child to have a negative relationship with either parent.
You still want to stay a family, just on different terms. The only problem is how do you even start to have this type of conversation with your co-parent?
Positive co-parenting exists, even after divorce.
After divorce, it still takes two to create a safe, loving, and supportive environment for your child. Together, you can limit your little one’s exposure to the divorce and the stress that comes with it.
You can both stay in control of your co-parenting relationship to help your child build resilience to continue moving forward. Because this is exactly how co-parenting is supposed to work.
I know this to be true because I've seen real families turn this impossible fantasy into a reality. Not only as a child of divorce but in my own household, and in the families of my private clients.
Meet your co-parenting specialist & divorce coach.
Hey there, I’m Rebecca! I’m a family & divorce mediator, certified divorce coach, and your co-parenting specialist. My expertise starts with first redefining your current relationship with your co-parent.
Then, I’ll show you how to ensure your child has structure, flexibility, and stability between both loving homes. With me at your side, you gain the right steps to raise your child as a team — while fostering quality relationships with both parents.

Helping you effectively protect kids through coaching, child-centered plans, & expert partnerships.
Create a custom child-centered co-parenting plan to guide your transition to a two-household family, set boundaries for issues you haven’t even thought of yet, and gain support in making decisions when both co-parents have a hard time agreeing.
I love supporting experts passionate about protecting kids going through difficult life transitions (like divorce). If that sounds like you, become a trusted partner I regularly collaborate with and send referrals to.
Have the confidence you’re doing what’s best for your family through child-centered co-parenting.
Book your free consult today to see how I can help you & your family thrive before, during, and beyond divorce.